Frequently Asked Questions

Ask Us Anything
Browse our commonly asked questions below. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
Q: How much does it cost to remount?
A: A good “yardstick” is 65% to 70% of a similarly equipped new vehicle.

Q: What are the warranties for paint, electrical, floor and module?
A: New vehicles have a “lifetime” warranty on the module, doors, cabinets, and main stationary electrical harness. They also have a seven-year 75,000 mile electrical warranty and a five year non-prorated paint warranty.

Q: Can we see a demo?
A: Yes. As a regional manufacturer, we maintain demonstrator vehicles in all of the western states and can also provide a list of existing customers in your area. You are also always welcome to tour our facility in Chehalis, Washington.

Q: Can we change the cabinets and compartments to suit our needs?
A: Yes. Within the confines of existing regulations and safety you are in control of the design of your new vehicle.

Q: How long does it take to have one built?
A: Depending upon the individual vehicle, your unit can be built in as little as 120 to 240 days.

Q: What is North Star?
A: North Star is the vehicle brand name, Braun Northwest, Inc. is the company name.